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DevOps Engineering Course for Beginners


DevOps Engineering Course for Beginners

Published in: freeCodeCamp.org

DevOps is one of the highest-paying roles you can get at a software company. And even if you aren't working as a DevOps, knowing how it works will make you a more productive developer. We just published a DevOps Engineering course on the freeCodeCamp.org YouTube channel. Learn all about

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Logical Fallacies – Definition and Fallacy Examples

Logical Fallacies – Definition and Fallacy Examples

Published in: freeCodeCamp.org

When you're debating someone, you want to use all the resources at your disposal to convince them you're right. And that's great – but you should be careful that you don't end up using a logical fallacy to help you make your point. What is a Logical Fallacy?A logical fallacy

Backend Web Development with Python - Full Course

Backend Web Development with Python - Full Course

Published in: freeCodeCamp.org

The backend of a website can be written in many different programming languages. It is becoming increasingly common for to use Python for the backend of a website. We just published a full backend web development with Python course on the freeCodeCamp.org YouTube channel. This comprehensive course is for

Teach Yourself Data Analytics in 30 Days

Teach Yourself Data Analytics in 30 Days

Published in: freeCodeCamp.org

You can learn the basics of Data Analytics with 30 days of practice. We just released a Data Analytics course on the freeCodeCamp.org YouTube channel. The course includes a 40-minute video, as well as a website and Jupyter notebooks. If you follow the plan laid out in these course

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